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Sunday Night Healing Crusade with Billy Burke - 26 May 2024

Our Sunday night crusade was incredible!

Visitors came and watched online from all over: Toronto, Kingston, Peterborough, Hungary, Alberta, Israel, Florida, Kitchener, Pickering, Tuscaloosa, Zimbabwe, Scarborough, Mississippi, Mississauga, India, Mongolia, Selwyn, Calgary, Niagara Falls, Hamilton, London, Pittsburgh, Slave Lake Northern Alberta, Pickton, Belleville, Bradenton, Africa, South America, and the Caribbean.

  • Word cloud of all places mentioned by visitors

Several injuries and medical conditions were called out: torn shoulder, whiplash, concussions, brain injury, neck problems, pinched nerves, fibroids, cancer, lyme's disease, glaucoma, depression, anxiety, arthritis, post traumatic syndrome, coma, digestive system and disorder, knee problems, atrial fib, tinnitus, throat cancer, viruses, sickness, heart conditions, ovarian cancer, migraines, gum is misaligned, bone issues, osteoporosis, invasive ductal carcinoma, neuropathy, Covid, type two diabetes, schizophrenia

Join Pastor Billy Burke in :

Come on, put those hands up and say, I need you, Holy Spirit, to refresh me, to light my fire yet again. Oh, to give me the strength and the reach to touch your hand tonight. I know the finished work of the cross still applies to me today. There's still time for my miracle. There's still time to be an absolute change in all of my circumstances. You're the maker of my money. You're the miracle of my mind. You're the healer of my body. You're the repairer of my breach. You are a fully furnished saviour. I draw on you tonight in Jesus mighty name.

If you've never been to one of our meetings, Holy Spirit works in many different ways.

During testimonies one lady shared how she caught a healing at a previous meeting when someone else was touched:

"You called out for anxiety and depression, and there was a girl that came up and she was healed as I was sitting back there, I didn't come up, but I was healed from that, and I don't have no anxiety, no depression, and I've been like, over a year now."

Watch this . Come on, somebody!

During testimonies another lady shared how she receiving healing after having surgery for a full hysterectomy. She was feeling weak and raw inside. Then she came to service and was touched and made whole!

"And I came to the service and I was sitting about four rows and. Four rows. Yeah. You stood at the front and you just said, power of the Holy Ghost. And I felt like a ball of fire hit my stomach."

See this .

"When God lets you feel the presence, that's the glory. When He lets you experience that, then the requirement on your end is that much more."

Pastor Billy says: "It gives you a handle for your faith that when you walk out or you can say, I got prayer, but, boy, I felt something go through me, and then you say, that's that Holy Spirit going through me. Every time you sit in the anointing, every time you go to your Sunday morning church, every time you go to a Bible study, every time you forgive somebody, every time you yourself help somebody in some small way or some large way, you're positioning yourself to be blessed, to become prosperous."

Let the devil get so tired of hearing you say, I receive.

Pastor Billy explains how you need to .

You've got to get into saying that word. I receive.

Use everything at your fingertips to fight for vision, for hearing, for bowel movements, for sleeping all night, for proper mental sanity. Come on, say, the devil is not going to get my sanity. Not today, not tomorrow, not the rest of my life. I have a sound mind. I'm going to keep a sound mind by the grace of God and my faith. Now give him a shout.

That's called getting involved. That's called using your faith and your belief system. You can't let the devil take you quietly. You got to refuse to go quietly. You do. I mean, Paul and Silas were hanging on a prison in a dungeon several hundred feet underground, and they were still praying. They were beating raw. They didn't probably feel like it, but they sang and they prayed and they sang and they prayed, and the earthquake came.

How many wouldn't mind the Holy Ghost earthquake hit your house? Come on. How many wouldn't mind for God to rearrange some things. Oh, I don't know who I'm talking to here. It's just the way this works. But you got to work your faith.

Guests from Slake Lake, Northern Alberta travelled 3600 kilometres to receive miracles

Pastors from a church in Slake Lake came to the meeting. On March 15 she was diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma on her right breast. She came to receive!

A little history: Barbara called Pastor Billy to Toronto

Later in the meeting Pastor Billy is reminded of when he first came to Toronto back in 1989. A woman named Barbara had made the initial arrangements.

At our meeting, there was a woman whom Pastor Billy had met back in 1989 on his first visit to Toronto. She was wonderfully healed from a spirit of suicide at the time.

Pastor Billy shares a bit about these .

Closing prayer

I'm Holy Ghost filled, and I'm not messing around. I'm here to bring revival back to Toronto to carry the glory. And by the grace of God, I will do it. Come on, give him a shout tonight.

Our Father, which art in heaven, which are in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day. Our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the king kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen. My Jesus. He's the savior of my soul.

Join us when Pastor Billy Returns!

See our itinerary for upcoming crusades. To support this ministry, please consider giving.