Sunday Night Healing Crusade with Billy Burke - 23 June 2024

Our Sunday night crusade arrived with some intense wind and weather!

During the evening several injuries and medical conditions were called out: liver issues, leukemia, ovarian cancer, stage four metastasis to the lung, metastasis to the brain, balance issues, fibroids, migraines, breast cancer, depression, mental illness, blindness, pulmonary arterial dysfunction, infections, severe food allergies, pulmonary vasculitis, cataracts, bone disease, brain tumors, double vision, liver cancer, autoimmune disease, thyroid problems, addictions, concussion, acute brain injury, nerve damage, whiplash, bruising in the bones, broken arm

Pastor David Cook

Pastor David Cook, who was one of the original founders of Touching Toronto, recently went home to be with the Lord. Pastor Billy began the evening by .

How could he go to heaven working in a healing ministry we ask ourselves? Well, you know, we're all going there. We're all going there. Every healing is a temporary delay of the inevitable.

God has a plan. He has a plan for each one of us and David Cook served his well. He was a fighter and a dear friend to so many of us

Pastor Billy spoke on .

We can easily forget that the main mission for our life is to go to heaven. We don't believe in deceasing a day before our time. We contend for life. We fight the good fight of faith to get people saved and healed, delivered and healed over again! But the prize is eternal life.

"I declared last month I wasn't going to come back in a wheelchair"

A woman returned for her 8th crusade. For the seven prior meetings she had come in a wheelchair. But last month she hung her faith and made a declaration to the Lord.

This kind of faith drives the devil crazy. It charges the atmosphere for you and it glorifies God. That's why we got to do it.

Watch .

"her freedom will be in your faith!"

A mother approached Pastor Billy for help. She has been coming for over a year and a half with her two young children.

While her daughter has been improving a lot, she needed deliverance:

"my daughter, she really needs his deliverance right now. When I pray in tongues, she'll come and she'll stop me and she'll hit me"

Pastory Billy acknowledges her faith and celebrates her as a mother. Then and was delivered.

"The anointing is coming on you tonight."

Towards the end of the evening one lady received a powerful instruction.

"The anointing is coming on you tonight. The anointing. The presence. You're leaving here with the presence of God on you tonight. He's going to completely wash your system. He's going to purge your system of these next 21 days is crucial for you. Do everything that He says."

See this in motion!

"Get ready, ma'am."

A lady was diagnosed in 2021 with a very large pituitary tumor. Her pituitary didn't work anymore and she suffered from memory loss from the brain tumour. But the Lord had a powerful touch for her.

Pastor Billy described it as being taken you to the candy store. "I'm telling you right now. Now, anything you want, as much as you want for your body, for your soul, all of that power."

Watch this .

Closing Prayer

 in this prayer:

It's not about you going to church and visiting Jesus. It's about becoming full time, a full time believer, making him the Lord of your life.

All these miracles are great, but the greatest healing of all is that born again.

We're going to invite Jesus in to be the Lord of your life tonight. That everything cascades from there. There's a cascading impact of the glory.

Pray with me. Say, dear Jesus, I have to be connected to you without being ashamed of you. I need you in my life, not to be my co pilot, but to take over the plane. I want you to be in charge. I want to follow your will, your ways and your timing. I surrender tonight to Calvary, the cross and what you did there. Wash me clean in my mind, my body and every part, and heal my body of every disease, every pain, every bondage. I tell the devil tonight, I no longer belong to you. I've given my life over to the one that's defeated you. You are a defeated devil and I serve a risen savior. I will walk with him, talk with him, and live for him all the days of my life. In Jesus name.

Join us when Pastor Billy returns

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