Monday Night Healing Crusade with Billy Burke - 24 June 2024

Our Monday night crusade. It's a night of miracles!

Several injuries and medical conditions were called out: cancer, high blood pressure, leukemia, depression, Alzheimer's, OCD, blindness, multiple myelomas, jaw problems, scoliosis, carpal tunnel, arthritic hands, tumors, goiters, insomnia, sleep apnea, paralysis, deafness, muscular dystrophy, pulmonary arterial dysfunction, Parkinson's, PTSD, infections, kidney issues, hearing loss, nearsightedness, sugar diabetes, dementia, heart arrhythmia, heart calcification, strokes, fractured bones in the ear, sore gums, spinal cord injury

Pastor Billy invites us to join him in to our meeting.

Tell Him why you came tonight. Ask Him for mercy. Ask Him for a divine appointment. Ask Him to stop by the roadside to touch you tonight.

We need you Holy Spirit. We need you to be our healer, to be our miracle worker. Take us by the hand and lead us into your presence tonight. Break that yoke of bondage. We believe in you. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit. We believe in the glory. We believe it's coming our way.

"a lot of people are satisfied with a 30% healing"

Pastor Billy shared a out of Mark, chapter 2.

We serve a Jesus who forgave all, who healed all of our, who makes all things work together. He's an all kind of God. And so as much as your 30% is good for where you are, it still grieves the Holy Spirit that you settle for that.

Because the price for it was so much. He didn't pay 30% price at Calvary. He paid the full price.

You have to put a value on the anointing.

"We know His name is above every name, but when you're the one with cancer, a lot of stuff you heard don't work."

Pastor Billy talks about how there's a shock to a lot of diagnosis. Can't walk, need a wheelchair, need a cane, need a walker, because you never think that's you. You never see yourself there. And for whatever reason, you're there. And now you need to hear Holy ghost to begin how to combat that. You got to get an attitude.

You've got to get, like, there's no way in heaven am I going to be stuck here. Whatever I got to do, whatever I got to obey. The devil's not going to win in my life.

The name of the Lord is a strong tower, a high tower. The righteous run into that. You gotta run for safety in the name and that something's about to change.

"Nobody said getting your whole healing is easy."

for where you are. Nobody said getting your whole healing is easy. It is a road of resistance. You're fighting against where your faith is now.

You're fighting against the devil. Of course, you're fighting against the report. You're fighting against symptoms. But that fighting don't mean that you lay down and take it. You at least want to put in some effort, you know?

You can't just keep coming up and doing the same thing without thinking there's something that has to be changed. There's an adjustment that has to be made.

I mean, you know, when they looked into the furnace, they saw the hebrew children and they were still in the furnace, but the ropes were burned off of their hands, meaning that they were free. Even though they were in a fire, in a trial, in the middle of a fiery trial. They had been set free before they were set out. They were set free in it.

It may take some time, but begin to practice faith.

"Little hinges open up big doors."

You may not think, like, I'm so little, I'm so small. But that's not how it works in the kingdom. We may be little hinges, but some big doors are .

You need to do a little bit more diligence at expecting some things. God's about to break open. You got to do a little bit more diligence at expecting some things.

There's going to be a purity of hunger for the things of God. And everywhere you go, you're going to feel him. Everywhere you go, there'll be no place you can't feel his presence, his tangible glory.

Join us when Pastor Billy returns

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