Healing Crusade with Billy Burke - Monday Aug 26, 2024

That incredible blast of Florida weather remained through the Monday night crusade.

This evening was marked with many incredible testimonies giving thanks and Glory to God!

"I got a confirmation a few weeks ago that that's over."

Last month Pastor Billy called out Lyme's disease. This month we received two testimonies of freedom from Lyme's disease.

One woman received confirmation a few weeks prior from her Doctor that it's over!

Pastor Billy took the opportunity to : "You know, that's one of the main reasons we're here, is really to help people like this."

When you hear this, pass this on to people that you bump into that may have lives or something, like, and say, hey, I just heard about a lady last week, don't even know her name. You don't have to know her name. You have to believe it. You don't have to know somebody's name to refer to it, but you have to believe that the same God that healed this girl can heal your friend.

There's got to be a go to place, a place you can take people.

"When you pray for the knees. I grabbed it. You kept saying grab it, so I grabbed it."

One of our own here received a healing at the Sunday crusade the day prior.

He had a lot of pain from his knee down, including his feet which were very swollen. It had been going on for a couple of months, and just not going away.

When Pastor Billy was praying for the knees (a lot of knees), our faithful catcher and servant grabbed it: "You keep saying grabbed it, so I grabbed it."

When words are spoken, remember words are spirit, and they begin to mix with atmosphere, and they're floating around in the room just for a short time. By the time we go home, those words are gone. But grab it while you have it.


"I limped in here last night."

A man came back the second night to share what happened to him at the Sunday crusade. He explains how he limped in the night prior, his wife holding his hands for support. It was leg pain.

And I strutted out of here last night after you laid hands on me.

So he came back to .

Join us when Pastor Billy returns

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