Healing Crusade with Billy Burke - Sunday Aug 25, 2024

Our August crusade entered in with another blast of beautiful, hot and humid Florida weather.

Many medical conditions were called out and several received healings in their knees!

You prophesied: "Get ready to be discovered!"

A young lady gives praise and testimony and some recent updates from her life. In November 2023 Pastor Billy had prophesized over her that she would soon be discovered for a modeling career.

Five years prior (August 2019), she came to give a testimony because of a health issue. And in that, Pastor Billy prophesied that her face would make her money in modeling.

Well this past week she received a full contract with a leading modeling agency!!

Watch the whole .

"I put all my faith in Him to heal me. And I was just saying that and praying for probably eleven minutes straight."

A precious testimony was given by a father and son. The boy wanted to declare the goodness of God over what had happened to him.

He explains how when he was 9 his sister was contending with the COVID19 virus. He was isolating but was beginning to experience symptoms. This is when he said to God that "He's my God" and began an intercessor's prayer.

"I put all my faith in Him to heal me."

What is truly incredible.

"Sometimes I can't even put my arm up like this to even pray, to even say, thank you, Jesus."

Holy Spirit fills the room during our meetings and many are healed in their seats without ever receiving a touch from Billy. Pastor Billy is always pointing us to Jesus and reminding us to look to the cross.

Last month this lady did just that. While sitting in her seat she leaned in on the anointing and touched it directly.

Her  and she was able to hold up her arms and give praise!

Don't just suffer quietly. Call on his name.

Those of you watching me , if you're on an iPhone or if you're watching at home on a laptop, whatever, you're watching this tonight, I'm praying that that glory comes into your place of viewership. We expect people to get healed off location here. Something's about to hit Toronto, all of Canada, Vancouver, Nova Scotia. Somebody better help me here. It could come out of all of these services that we're doing here all these years.

Accumulation is the word. The devil hates, he hates anything you accumulate. He don't mind if you get a big bonus check, but he don't want you to accumulate wealth. You don't mind if he learn a couple verses, but don't accumulate knowledge. Don't get too much joy. No, don't accumulate joy. He wants you to be hit and miss, but nothing regular, not overflow. It's your time to be overflow. Come on.

It's your time to be so plugged in that rivers of life are flowing from you. Even on a bad day, it's better than an unbelievers work best day. Come on, say my bad day. It's better than an unbeliever's best day!

Amen and amen!

Join us when Pastor Billy returns

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