Healing Crusade with Billy Burke - Monday July 22, 2024

The beautiful Florida weather stayed with us through the second night of our July crusade.

Throughout the evening many conditions were called out: cancer, depression, fibroids, stage four ovarian cancer, arthritis, Lyme's disease, vertigo, legally blindness, gout, insomnia, epileptic seizures, Pulmonary arterial dysfunction disorder, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, gallstones, lyme's disease, autoimmune deficiencies, environmental illness, tinnitus, liver cleanse, kidney cleanse, lesions, brain injury

The evening begins with some from Pastor Billy on receiving your healing.

Sometimes we need to remind ourselves why we do what we do, especially in these meetings. When you're raising your hands in the scripture, it means you're surrendering. It's a point of surrender. There's people that have them up and they're surrendering. There's people that are half surrendering, and then there's people that don't surrender at all.

Sometimes you got to take every vantage point you can to get the edge on any service, or you could be going to a lot of services and not gaining anything.

How you are here is supposed to help you go home, in your car, wherever, because if this doesn't ignite you with Him by yourself, it's a personal Jesus. He's not a group Jesus. He's a personal Jesus.

"They did a ct scan. They looked on the report ...and they noticed regression in lesions and regression in the tumor."

A man currently fighting cancer shared testimony. He had received prayer the month prior and afterward received this good report from the doctors.

But he was still suffering from pain.

Pastor Billy prayed again for him and the pain began to loosen up.

Watch this .

"you prayed for me twelve years ago"

A woman is called out by Pastor Billy. She shares how twelve years ago she overcame stage four ovarian cancer. Pastor Billy prayed for her back then. She's been living without cancer ever since.

This week a spot was found on her abdomen. Listen to how she's to trust the Lord again.

"I came because in my left knee I have osteo arthritis"

During the crusade Pastor Billy was active in the audience doing miracle ministry.

This lady caught his attention, and he paused to speak with her.

Before coming she was unable to bend down. once she regains full movement.

"It's moving all through this audience right now. The sweeping flow of the Holy Ghost. The sweeping flow of the Holy Ghost."

. I'm selling out to God. Come on. I'm tired of halfway. I'm tired of neutral. I feel my hunger is coming, coming back. To get back to Father's house, to get back to the promises, to reclaim my destiny. I can't let everybody else tell me what to do. Nobody knows my blueprint.

God made me. He put a plan inside of me. I'm called here to do something in my lifetime. I don't have enough money, enough knowledge. I don't have all the pieces, but I do have him. And if I follow him, everything I don't have will fall into place. I'm not a loser. I'm not a quitter. I'm a finisher, and I will finish, and I will be stronger than ever.

I'm part of an end time revival. I carry a revival spirit. I'm unstoppable.

Join us when Pastor Billy returns

See our itinerary for upcoming crusades. To support this ministry, please consider giving.