Monday, November 25, 2024 Healing Crusade
TORONTO - The atmosphere was electric at the Hallcrown Event Venue on Monday night as Pastor Billy Burke led the final Touching Toronto healing service of the year. The event, which has drawn international attention, attracted attendees from as far as Singapore and Ireland, all seeking a healing touch.
Throughout the evening, Pastor Billy Burke called out specific ailments, including breast cancer, glaucoma, and irritable bowel syndrome. Dozens came forward to share dramatic testimonies of healing.
As Burke laid hands on attendees, many collapsed to the floor, overcome with emotion. Joyful dancing and spontaneous praise erupted as people celebrated their newfound health and freedom from pain.
Christian recording artist
Watch the Crusade here or scroll down for miracle moments:
His neighbour noticed the goiter had shrunk!
The evening started with healing testimonies from Sunday's crusade the day prior.
A gentleman was getting prayer for his eyes. It was most a dire thing for him. But he was also wrestling with hyperthyroidism and a goiter on his neck.
Outside of his eye's he reported having no more symptoms of the hyperthyroidism. And then his neighbor noticed the goiter had shrunk! Like it's almost gone when it used to be quite large.
Wow. Watch his testimony of
"I had the most restless and restful sleep"
A couple flew in from Calgary, Alberta. In the face of a difficult doctor's report, she looked to the Master and received a touch at the Sunday crusade.
"I don't know how to explain what happened yesterday, but it was amazing. ...I had the most restless and restful sleep at the same time last night. ...And I felt parts of my body stop having pain last night."
Pastor Billy described it as a fruit of her being in the anointing. That atmosphere transfers over onto us. It can lead to such a shift in our thinking and speaking.
Celebrate how the Lord
"God pressed a reset button"
This young man shared testimony last night about a bowel condition. He described it as: "God pressed a reset button on my bowel condition."
At first he was much, much better. While he hadn't yet received full healing there was a big change. But after receiving another touch, the symptoms tried to come back: "I woke up and things were much worse. Just very painful and stuff. But I didn't give into it. I just said, no, God's got my healing."
After being tested this young main shared how today was the best day he has had in a long time!
See his
Healed while watching online!
This is such an incredible testimony. You don't want to miss this!
This lady was watching the service online at home last night. She came in-person on Monday to share what happened!
Her eyes got healed!! Before she had to wear glasses especially while reading the Bible even though it was large print:
"God's power so strong in my living room and I was tingling there. And this morning when I read the Bible, I'm able to see."
Be sure to share this
Miracle in Motion...
Christian recording artist Trevor McNevan , of the band Thousand Foot Krutch, shared his testimony and performed a song called Miracle in Motion.
When Trevor was very young he was healed of over 100 allergies. Before his muscles would kind of contort, his eyes blinked like crazy and he could barely see. It was pretty troublesome as a child.
Many decades ago his parents took him to a tent meeting in Picton, Ontario. It was a Billy Burke meeting and his first experience in that. God changed his life incredibly.
The Lord put a song on his heart to share with Billy and the ministry through Selwyn Outreach Centre (the Church behind Touching Toronto).
It's called
Join us when Pastor Billy returns
See our itinerary for upcoming crusades. To support this ministry, please consider giving.